Saturday, January 25, 2025

"Blessed are the Merciful"

 “Blessed are the Merciful” ~Jesus, Matthew 5

The President demands an apology from the Bishop. The Bishop has declared that no such apology will be forthcoming. In the long history of Church/State relationships there have been some “testy” moments.

The Biblical narrative is full of confrontations between Kings and Prophets. Daniel was thrown into the Lions Den because he refused to worship King Darius ~Daniel 6. 

My personal favorite; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego also refused to worship the Golden Image and they were cast into the fiery furnace. ~Daniel 3.

In the defining moments for the Children of Israel Moses went head to head with Pharaoh to demand an end to slavery and it took a succession of plagues to convince him to let the people go. 

In the American context we were blind to our cruelty to Native Americans as we took their land and drove them through the Trail of Tears to a land we would later steal again.

There were Abolitionists on the one hand and those who used the Bible to justify slavery on the other. Our history is full of cruel chapters full of lynchings and race riots. We left the Greenwood section of Tulsa in ashes, hundreds dead and quickly erased the history of that event lest history hold us accountable. I will never forget the Sunday four little girls died in a bomb blast in Sunday School. 

In the Episcopal Church we fought for Civil Rights, Gender Equality, LGBTQ inclusivity in hopes that we might fulfill the Biblical notion of Paul that “in Christ there is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” ~Galatians 3:28

We ordained women and I was there for the consecration of the first Gay Bishop, Gene Robinson. He had to wear a bulletproof vest and there were bomb threats from “christians” of course. But for the thousands in attendance at that service the joy knew no bounds as we watched God’s embrace of humankind extend yet again in ever broadening circles. 

And now this. The diminutive form of Mariann Budde speaking truth to power, humbly asking for mercy, giving voice to the voiceless. And for speaking so to the President she has been vilified by both the President and his minions. 

With the release of the January 6 insurrectionists it is as though the Wizard has unleashed his “monkeys” to wreak vengeance on any who would have the temerity to speak out of turn or disagree with the President. He has removed protections from the likes of Mike Pompeo, Anthony Fauci and fifty others and has said that he would feel no responsibility if any harm befell them. 

In the meantime the Republican Party remains silent. But not our Bishop. Not Marianne Budde. In the kindest and gentlest way she asked for mercy on behalf of of those who were scared, frightened. They are the vulnerable in our midst. The LGBTQ folk and the immigrant community, many of whom do the work white folk won’t do; picking the fruit and vegetables laboring in the hot sun, cleaning offices, hotels, taking care of the elderly in our nursing homes. Not all of them are documented and not all of them are criminals. 

Is it not possible for you to have mercy, Mr President?

You do know that Jesus did say; “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”?

You have read the Beatitudes? Matthew Chapter 5. 

You do know that the word “Mercy” is used in the King James Bible 132 times and that all forms of that word are used in both the New and the Old Testaments 210 times? 

Sadly I suspect that your lust for power has blinded you to any thought for mercy. And more tragically for you and for our nation your fragile ego cannot admit you lost an election. Thus you became the one to lead us to the Insurrection of January 6,2021. And now that Insurrection has come to this moment. 

That is why our Bishop had to call you to account as she did from that noble pulpit adorned as it was with a spray of flowers around the perimeter of its breadth. All she did was ask for mercy.

For the sake of the Nation I hope you will reconsider. 

One more thing Mr. President. I’m not sure you have read about the Judgement of the Nations but I urge you to read Matthew 25:31-46

In summary Jesus says; “Insofar as you have done it to one of the least of these, you have done it to me…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”

Mind you, if you do not extend such mercy to those in need, Mr President, you may be held accountable by a Higher Authority than anyone on this planet. You may want to read to the end of Chapter 25.

Your call Mr. President.

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