Saturday, April 06, 2013

A Close and Holy Darkness

A Close and Holy Darkness

How can the Spirit speak unless I give it voice?
With what words shall I whisper to this close and holy darkness?
Altar-wise by Owl-light?

The hour sleeps itself away for some
For many work and worry rule the heart
And precious souls suffer long
While mindless greed and power has its day
And seldom sleeps for war and weaponry

There is a dream of Hope and Peace and Love
In The Heart that beats within 
And the Spirit wonders who will to give it voice?
Here in the close and holy darkness?
Altar-wise by Owl-light?

We will awaken to fear and courage
And the war will wage on in all our struggles.

And the Spirit wonders who will give it voice?
Here is the close and holy darkness 
Altar-wise by Owl-light?

And then when we waken
Who will give it voice?

NB Dylan Thomas, Welsh poet, 1914-1953 has used these phrases before. "close and holy darkness" and "Altar-wise by Owl-light". They are used here with gratitude to his spirit moving still.
Hope and Peace and Love
Fr. Paul

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