Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Dowdling

It was in the wake of yet another family sadness
Death of a sort no mother's eyes should ever see
Nor brother's view behold

Left wondering what to think or say 
We gathered to embrace with tears 
Our sorrow too deep for words

The baby awoke in the wake of our family's sadness
Gladly we greeted Brandan to our embrace
He tried to stand and made universal sounds 

We passed him around to comfort us
His love and and ours; we cooed to him 
After the manner of aunts and uncles, cousins and kin

He smiled and we laughed again
Told more stories now for comfort sake
Catch up on the all the family news

Brandan tired finally and fussed a bit
I asked a turn to hold him and he looked at me 
He seemed to see the love I bore him

His eyes heavy now he grew restless
I held him dowdling after the manner of my grandad
And ma and mums and marm or an old Irish washerwoman 

He looked at me and I sang on and dandled him on my knee
And tapped out the tune with my heel
And he fussed some more and I held him close

I held the baby close to calm the anxious soul
His voice to mine and mine to his we held high converse
Both of us now close to heaven in a moment's Peace

Closer to heaven than the next breath we take
Much closer than human love
There You are in the heart of it

It was in the wake of a family's sadness that he slept
To quieten the soul in the Silent Presence
Where You are Always Here

We parted promising to make it not so long before we meet once more

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