Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Prayer to Awaken America!

Time to Waken!

O God I love the land in which your people dwell,

make us mindful of your love and your justice.

You are the one who blessed the poor, healed the sick and the lame, bound up the hearts of the broken hearted and died to set us free from the power of sin and death.

Our hearts are broken when so many of your people are without work, health care, and have lost their homes, and their hopes.

Awaken us from slumber that we make no peace with oppression.

Quicken us as we arise as one people to make known that we are waiting for justice to flow like an ever flowing stream.

It took but a weekend to save the financial institutions who were to big to fail.

Your people are too many to fail.

Quicken us we pray, soon! Amen.

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