Saturday, May 26, 2012

Come Holy Spirit to ALL, ALL, ALL

A Meditation on Pentecost
A Chant

Take Ten minutes to listen. 

We could describe it as flames of fire, or divided tongues or a mighty wind. But it happened to us ALL. suddenly we understood that everyone in every language wanted to hear of the love of God. We understood that every sort and condition of humanity wanted to hear of the outpouring of the Spirit of God into every human heart. The Holy Spirit brings a profound Peace, Eternal Life, The Comfort of Courage, and Forgiveness.

Some Christians are beginning to embrace that Spirit within and among ALL.

The Collect of the Day for all Catholicism invites us to remember that God "opened the way of Eternal Life to EVERY race and nation. 

Some parts of Catholicism now recognize that ALL MEANS ALL. Regardless now of orientation, gender, race, class, or ethnicity we are now all one in Christ. (Galatians 3:28). We in the Episcopal Church have paid a terrible price for proclaiming the Gospel for ALL. But we are not called to be successful. We are called to be faithful. 

What we need to do now is to Proclaim the Gospel Unapologetically, and with resolve, clarity, imagination and courage. ALL MEANS ALL!

Here Thomas Keating tells the story. A voice of such resonant beauty. A teacher who encourages us to pray from and into the Center of our being. From the Center we discover the Spirit connects us to God and to ALL, where ALL MEANS ALL.

I just stumbled across this artistic rendering of the Taize chant "Veni Sancte Spiritus" (Come Holy Spirit). It is another lovely and gracious multi-media experience; harp, art, instrumental accompaniment, time-lapse photography, candles, incense, iconography etc.

And lest we forget Taize was a place of refuge for the persecuted of the Nazi Regime...Jews, Intellectuals, Gypsies, and Homosexuals. So...all of you who have felt the sting of persecution and exclusion both within and outside the church...Pentecost is for you.

Dear Brother Roger saw a world gone mad as the Nazis began their persecutions. There was in that little town of Franc; Taize, a tiny place where God's Peace and God's Spirit and God's Kingdom would reign.

Do not be discouraged by what you see passing for Christianity these days. 

You and I have felt this Mighty Wind Come to us and Among Us. 

Rejoice and be glad, Come Holy Spirit, Come to ALL, where ALL MEANS ALL!!!

May Peace be upon you,

Fr Paul

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