Saturday, January 25, 2025

"Blessed are the Merciful"

 “Blessed are the Merciful” ~Jesus, Matthew 5

The President demands an apology from the Bishop. The Bishop has declared that no such apology will be forthcoming. In the long history of Church/State relationships there have been some “testy” moments.

The Biblical narrative is full of confrontations between Kings and Prophets. Daniel was thrown into the Lions Den because he refused to worship King Darius ~Daniel 6. 

My personal favorite; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego also refused to worship the Golden Image and they were cast into the fiery furnace. ~Daniel 3.

In the defining moments for the Children of Israel Moses went head to head with Pharaoh to demand an end to slavery and it took a succession of plagues to convince him to let the people go. 

In the American context we were blind to our cruelty to Native Americans as we took their land and drove them through the Trail of Tears to a land we would later steal again.

There were Abolitionists on the one hand and those who used the Bible to justify slavery on the other. Our history is full of cruel chapters full of lynchings and race riots. We left the Greenwood section of Tulsa in ashes, hundreds dead and quickly erased the history of that event lest history hold us accountable. I will never forget the Sunday four little girls died in a bomb blast in Sunday School. 

In the Episcopal Church we fought for Civil Rights, Gender Equality, LGBTQ inclusivity in hopes that we might fulfill the Biblical notion of Paul that “in Christ there is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” ~Galatians 3:28

We ordained women and I was there for the consecration of the first Gay Bishop, Gene Robinson. He had to wear a bulletproof vest and there were bomb threats from “christians” of course. But for the thousands in attendance at that service the joy knew no bounds as we watched God’s embrace of humankind extend yet again in ever broadening circles. 

And now this. The diminutive form of Mariann Budde speaking truth to power, humbly asking for mercy, giving voice to the voiceless. And for speaking so to the President she has been vilified by both the President and his minions. 

With the release of the January 6 insurrectionists it is as though the Wizard has unleashed his “monkeys” to wreak vengeance on any who would have the temerity to speak out of turn or disagree with the President. He has removed protections from the likes of Mike Pompeo, Anthony Fauci and fifty others and has said that he would feel no responsibility if any harm befell them. 

In the meantime the Republican Party remains silent. But not our Bishop. Not Marianne Budde. In the kindest and gentlest way she asked for mercy on behalf of of those who were scared, frightened. They are the vulnerable in our midst. The LGBTQ folk and the immigrant community, many of whom do the work white folk won’t do; picking the fruit and vegetables laboring in the hot sun, cleaning offices, hotels, taking care of the elderly in our nursing homes. Not all of them are documented and not all of them are criminals. 

Is it not possible for you to have mercy, Mr President?

You do know that Jesus did say; “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”?

You have read the Beatitudes? Matthew Chapter 5. 

You do know that the word “Mercy” is used in the King James Bible 132 times and that all forms of that word are used in both the New and the Old Testaments 210 times? 

Sadly I suspect that your lust for power has blinded you to any thought for mercy. And more tragically for you and for our nation your fragile ego cannot admit you lost an election. Thus you became the one to lead us to the Insurrection of January 6,2021. And now that Insurrection has come to this moment. 

That is why our Bishop had to call you to account as she did from that noble pulpit adorned as it was with a spray of flowers around the perimeter of its breadth. All she did was ask for mercy.

For the sake of the Nation I hope you will reconsider. 

One more thing Mr. President. I’m not sure you have read about the Judgement of the Nations but I urge you to read Matthew 25:31-46

In summary Jesus says; “Insofar as you have done it to one of the least of these, you have done it to me…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”

Mind you, if you do not extend such mercy to those in need, Mr President, you may be held accountable by a Higher Authority than anyone on this planet. You may want to read to the end of Chapter 25.

Your call Mr. President.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

How did I get to be so lucky

 “How Did I Get to Be So Lucky?”

A Farewell Meditation by Fr Paul

In the Name of God; the Most Holy, Undivided, and Everlasting Trinity. Amen

How did I get to be so lucky to be your Anamchara? What were you thinking of when you picked the likes of me? You realize it has been 10 years this past Sunday. What a fun ride that was! And what a privilege to walk with you the Pilgrim’s Way. It was also 10 years ago that I underwent gastric bypass surgery and lost more than 100 lbs! And I’ve maintained that weight loss. Ain’t I lucky to have a medical team I have. And talk about luck. It has been 15 years since my prostatectomy and radiation treatments. There’s some of you know that story! Now I’m on two forms of hormone therapy to keep the cancer confused as to my gender identity. Talk about being non binary! How lucky am I.

And that’s just me. Imagine my ancestors survived the Great Hunger in the Old Country. Two thirds of the villagers died in my ancestral home. Another two thirds died aboard the coffin ships in the passage to America, and a bunch more got shipped back again when disease claimed their souls in quarantine. There was immigrant hostility in Yankee Boston; “Irish need not apply”. And here I am a priest in “the” Yankee church for 52 years this month. How did I get to be so lucky?

My dad and his shipmates played hit and miss games with German U-boats during WWII. His eyes would light up his head would rear back and he’d roar with laughter when he told me; “Hey kid, life is a crap shoot!” And now here we are each with a story to tell of how we come to be gathered together today. How did we get to be so lucky?

But it wasn’t by a roll the dice that we got to be here. I believe it is by the Grace of God that we are here, Grace upon Grace. As Peter tells us in today’s first lesson; “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” What a Joy to follow the Way of Jesus! I cannot begin to describe the love that’s in this room and online today. Do you have any idea how much I love you, have loved you will love you? But infinitely more is the love of God for us. Not only here and now, but when we leave this place and return to our homes, workplaces, churches for the Grace of which I speak fills us and carries us in ways we can hardly begin to fathom. As the Psalmist says; “Satisfy us by your loving-kindness in the morning; * so shall we rejoice and be glad all the days of our life.”

Which brings us to the intersection of this moment. We prepare our hearts now to pass the baton. The Abbot to the Abbess and the Anamchara to the Anamchara. Brother/Abbot John Brendon to Sr/Abbess Patricia Sarah and Fr Paul to Fr Jeff. What Grace!

But hold the phone…do you have any idea what you’re getting yourselves into? God has cast a holy eye upon you, Sr. Pat and Fr Jeff. I give thanks and praise for you, that you are willing to say yes. I’d like to say that your tenure will be uneventful. But if my experience is any indication; or if the experience of our founders and successors bear witness, life is not without its occasional challenge from time to time. 

No question we find ourselves tossed into the occasional maelstrom. Like Jesus in a storm on Lake Galilee or faced with impossible questions like whether to pay taxes to Caesar. In the former case he simply told the sea; “Peace, be still!” With the biblical literalists it was not so easy. Whatever the answer eventually they will catch him in his words and find a way to crucifixion. 

Thankfully, it never got that bad being Anamchara, Abbot, Abbess. But sure and its a wild ride we’re on from time to time.

So let me give you something to take hold of as you live into your calling, as we all live into our calling. What else do we have but the Grace of the Triune God? That’s all I’ve ever had all my life but I find its been more than enough. 

When I think of God I think of the Creator of all that is in Heaven and Earth. Jesus is my Savior and the Holy Spirit is the One who makes everyone and everything Holy. And we are the choir singing in harmony with the Host of Heaven.

We are partners with God in Creation. I think of you in your spare time engaged in the creative arts. Some of us are regaling one another with good stories and conviviality. Some seek a moment of quiet to pray or to write or read. But there’s hardly a moment goes by without our being one with God in Creation. We love to create and care for beautiful things. Art and music and literature and in ways to too many to number. Every spare moment of her life my grandmother would crochet. And her afghan still gathers me in the warmth of her love.

We are partners with Jesus in the business of salvation. God knows we’re always working to salvage what we can of the messes we make in life. This is exactly why God sent Jesus into this world. Quoth God; “Will you look at the mess! Go see what you can do to salvage what you can of the lives of those folks.” And look what he did for us. He touched our hearts and changed our lives.

Mind you we face some challenging times. There are wars and rumors of wars and climate change hastens its way towards us. And whatever happens in the election this November, America will never be the same again. But then read the history books. We’ve seen it all before. Vikings have laid waste to our sacred people and places long before this. Empires come and empires go and through it all we have endured and prevailed because only God remains Supreme. 

Be advised I have no idea how “orthodox” this approach is to the Trinity. It may smack of “modalism” or some other heresy. But I’m not all that bright. What I do know is how God is at work in me and in those around me and that’s why I speak the way I do about the God I love. And by now you may sort of catch on as to how I’m living into my faith. I speak in terms I can understand. 

Because we are also partners with God the Holy Spirit: the Hagia Sophia, She who is the Holy Wisdom from on high. She’s so beautiful.

My grandmother comes to mind of course. She was my storyteller, the gift giver of my faith. I could flee to her for a hug, a healing touch, a moment’s refuge. There’s not a day goes by I don’t call on her; “Ma...” The Spirit that moves between us is always living and true and you can see it on my face even now. Or my darlin’ bride. Talk about lucky! How did I ever find her? Talk about Holy Wisdom, intelligence or just plain love. There’s not a moment I am not without her sacred presence. 

If ever I learned anything about the sanctification of life I learned about it from them. Which brings me up to the here and now of this sacred time. You. How beautiful you are. I hope you realize how beautiful you are. How much in the presence of the Holy I feel when I’m with you. What Wisdom there is in this place. What love and affection. What a gift you are to me to each other. The Holy Spirit is palpable among us. 

Therefore Sr Patricia Sarah and Fr Jeff. Do you mind standing up for just a moment? We would very much like to hold you up in prayer. And Abbot John Brendan let’s you and me stand up too. God knows this crowd holds us up in prayer. Now it is time for you in your turn to answer God’s call as we did in ours. God knows what you’ll be called to do and who you will be called to be for us but of one thing I am sure. “The Great Shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the eternal covenant will equip you with everything good that you my do God’s will working you that which I is well pleasing in sight, through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom be glory forever and forevermore. Amen” ~Hebrews 13:20-21.

Now I come to you with these concluding words as your Anamchara. There’s an old Portuguese folk saying. “Deus escrive certo por lignas tortas”. With apologies to my friends in Brazil for errors in pronunciation etc that means “God writes straight with crooked lines.” That is to say, as we walk the Labryinth of Life the Triune God is at work in us every step along the way, with every detour. No matter how far we wander or stray….God the Creator, God the Savior, and God the Holy Spirit is always writing straight into our hearts working out the particulars of our salvation with us. For with the triune God there is always forgiveness, reconciliation and love.

How did we get to be so lucky!

And now may the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen

Respectfully submitted,

Fr Paul Bresnahan, Companion to the Fellowship

Readings from which the above meditation stems.

2 Peter 3:11-18

Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in leading lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set ablaze and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire? But, in accordance with his promise, we wait for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home.

Final Exhortation and Doxology

Therefore, beloved, while you are waiting for these things, strive to be found by him at peace, without spot or blemish; and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation. So also our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given to him, speaking of this as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures. You therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, beware that you are not carried away with the error of the lawless and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

Psalm 90

  • 1  O God, you have been our refuge * from one generation to another. 
  • 2  Before the mountains were brought forth, or the land and the earth were born, *
    from age to age you are God. 
  • 3  You turn us back to the dust and say, *
    “Go back, O child of earth.” 
  • 4  For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past *
    and like a watch in the night. 
  • 5  You sweep us away like a dream; *
    we fade away suddenly like the grass. 
  • 6  In the morning it is green and flourishes; *
    in the evening it is dried up and withered. 
  • 13  Return, O God; how long will you tarry? *
    Be gracious to your servants. 
  • 14  Satisfy us by your loving-kindness in the morning; *
    so shall we rejoice and be glad all the days of our life. 
  • 15  Make us glad by the measure of the days that you afflicted us *
    and the years in which we suffered adversity. 
  • 16  Show your servants your works *
    and your splendor to their children. 
  • 17  May the graciousness of our God be upon us; *
    prosper the work of our hands; prosper our handiwork. 

Mark 12:13-17

The Question about Paying Taxes

Then they sent to him some Pharisees and some Herodians to trap him in what he said. And they came and said to him, ‘Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard people with partiality, but teach the way of God in accordance with truth. Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not? Should we pay them, or should we not?’ But knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, ‘Why are you putting me to the test? Bring me a denarius and let me see it.’ And they brought one. Then he said to them, ‘Whose head is this, and whose title?’ They answered, ‘The emperor’s.’ Jesus said to them, ‘Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’ And they were utterly amazed at him.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

"Consider the Lilies of the Field"

 “Consider the Lilies of the Field”

In Celebration of the Life of Bill Graham

A Meditation by Fr. Paul Bresnahan

Matthew 6:25-29 ~“Consider the Lilies of the Field”

‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.

“Consider the Lilies of the Field”

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow”.

This Gospel was written for an occasion like this.

Bill Graham spent a lifetime making things beautiful. He dedicated all that he had and all that he was so that he could scatter comfort and joy all around the North Shore well beyond anyone’s ability to calculate or measure. What a blessing he was to us. 

Even now I imagine him in a field of flowers gathering up a bouquet for his beloved. But that’s the friend and the priest in me talking. I can’t imagine anything better, unless, of course it were a shop on Essex Street in Salem. That really was lovely.

“Beautiful Things”. That’s what he called the shop. And it was exactly that. You could stop by anytime and there he was out back, surrounded by a grand clutter of flowers and greens and vases and what not of every manner under heaven. And by some miracle he’d pull things from hither and yon and voilà: there was something very beautiful indeed; a bouquet for the eyes and the nose and something about it all moved us to love.

That’s because Bill loved us. And so does Phil. In our particular case, when Cindy and I fell in love and married, Bill prepared the flowers for the wedding. Those flowers adorned the altar at Christ Church, Hyde Park on October 13,1979. And Phil sang. It was a glorious and unforgettable day! Thank you both!

Day in and day out. Year in and year out, you could count on Bill to be there and Phil too ready to greet you with warmth and affection Whatever the occasion, all you had to do was call in and tell Bill what you needed and he would go straight to work, his hands a blur and out of a menagerie of living things he’d gather another bouquet and prepare something special just for you.

So it was for many unforgettable days and special occasions for so many people. It could be the birth of a child, a wedding or an anniversary, the illness of a fried, the death of a loved one, a gesture of kindness, an expression of love, a request for forgiveness. You could always stop by or call in, and Bill was on it. Before you knew it there they were, delivered by my friend Phil. My best friend Phil. What a delight it was to to open the door and see that smile and those flowers.

Talk about beautiful things!

Thank you Bill

Thank you Phil

What a precious thing is life, friendship, love!

And family. I feel like I know you all well. You included Bill in all those Holidays; Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter and so on. Phil described those days to me in detail. In infinite detail. He knows every name, every important day in your lives, every school and workplace, every joy and sorrow. He loves every single one of you and so did Bill.  You made Bill family to you. Your kindness and love meant everything to him.

Thank you all. 

And to all his friends too many to number. How often you would stop by in the store just to say hello. You are a tribute to him and thank you for being here. I know how much you cared for him because I know how much he cared for you. 

Every single flower and every single one of us he touched spoke of that love. Not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as even one of these.

And then there came the illness. Even then he resolutely continued making beautiful things for as long as he could at the shop, in public speaking engagements, then at home. Only weeks ago he was baking cookies, doing needlepoint. Always something to make this old world a little more beautiful. 

The day he died, I visited Bill one last time. He was in extremis so I stayed with him for some time and said some prayers from my Celtic Prayer Book. I recited some lines from Morning Prayer

“One thing have I asked of the Lord. This is what I seek. 

That I may dwell in House of the Lord all the days of my life.

To behold the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his Holy Temple."

I have no idea whether he heard me or not but it always puts me at ease to pray. And besides the words seemed fitting.

I got up to leave but just then my buddy Phil arrived with some flowers, naturally. We visited. A kindly woman stopped by with a Golden Retriever named Rosie. It was delightful. Finally, I asked one last blessing: “The Peace of God which passes all understanding” Later that night Phil posted a picture of the seashore; “Good night my handsome” it said.

What next my friends? The priest in me must now speak to our faith as well as to our skepticism in all honesty, in all truth, and with a note of authority. 

You know my story Phil. You know what my grandmother said about all this. When my dad died at Christmas in 1953 I was only 8 years old. I wanted to know if I’d ever see him again. The “christians” in the family said my dad couldn’t go to heaven because he didn’t go to church. Thank God my uncle was an atheist. He told me not to worry because he said my dad would get to heaven a whole lot sooner than anybody in that crowd would.

My grandmother was the authority in the family on all matters theological. After all, she was the one who sent me to church.

So I asked her

“Ma, is there a God?"

“Of course there is” she said

“Ma, is there a Heaven?”

“Of course there is” she said.

Then I said; “Ma, Is my daddy there?” 

Ah there was a moment’s hesitation. After all she was a Yankee from Downeast Maine and my dad was an Irishman from Butman St in Beverly. And there was that nasty divorce. The prospect of spending an eternity with that man must have given her pause.

A lot was riding on what she did next. 

I remember it like it was yesterday

She knelt down right there on the kitchen floor in Somerville and held me close and said;

“Of course he is”

Because of that here I am today to proclaim the power of love over death whether we believe it or not, understand it or not.

There is a special place in God’s heart for Bill.

For you and me. For all. No exceptions. 

To prove it, here I am to embrace you with these words.

So consider the lilies of the field how they grow. From the dust of the earth they rise and live again. And not even Solomon in all his glory is arrayed as even one of these. That’s not just my uncle or my grandmother or me talking. That’s Jesus.

“Good night Bill”

“See you on the other side”


In the Name of God, the Most Holy, Undivided and Everlasting Trinity. 
